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Delta Baseball and Softball Club of Indianola, IA is a youth traveling and developmental ball club founded in 2022 to provide year-round opportunities for players of every skill level throughout Warren County and the surrounding areas south of the Des Moines metro.


Our program strives to build a strong foundation for players and teams; focusing on skill-based competition and fundamentals to develop confidence, hone technique, grow strategic understanding, in-game decision-making, gain core physical strength, optimal performance and a positive, winning attitude.


We offer access to the best recruiting leagues on a national scale to help your player reach their highest potential.  Our leagues are built for modern age (digital/ statistical) scouting and will get your player noticed.  In just two years, Delta club players have already received College Camp invitations, recruiter calls, and two players were nominated for All Tournament Awards by league staff! 


No matter where your player is today, or strives to be tomorrow, through our non-profit establishment we bring the whole package from community service, fundraising, peer training, and partnerships to provide every player the opportunity to improve and grow in their love of the game. We believe in building character and work ethic in young athletes on and off the field with sportsmanship and teamwork at the core being necessary to win. 


We inspire players to reach higher, give back to their communities, be the change, and achieve success far-reaching in all things they do.


For more information CONTACT US 


We're glad you're here! 

The Change, Variation or Difference Observed...

See the Change.  Be the Change.

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"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."
Ecclesiastes 9:10



IRVING ELEMENTARY for use of their facilities during our winter conditioning months


THANKS to INDY TRAINING CENTER for FREE use of their cages and tunnels


and THANK YOU PIZZA RANCH for opening your doors to fundraising opportunities



We've collected or renewed the following sponsors and want to thank them ALL for supporting our youth!


Gold: $1000+ Sponsorship

Agan Construction

AM/PM Plumbing

Hitchin' Post Grill

Indy Training Center

Joe's Gym

Journey Mortgage

Kevin & Shelley Peterson

Midland Business Equipment

Smith's Collision

Van Ness Medical, LLC

Vice Construction

Vickroy Investment Properties

Zwirlein CustomZ


Silver: $500 Sponsorship


Bronze: $200 Sponsorship

515 Golf Cars

Cosner Fabricating

Downey Tire Pros

Hy-Vee (Indianola)

Indianola Vision Center

Mutt & Peas


Oxbow Corp

Star Equipment

Tim Hildreth Company, Inc.


We encourage all of our Delta network to consider being a patron of these businesses in appreciation and return of their support for our players and teams!



2024 Season FUNdraising is underway, so families don't have to pinch pennies for dues and travel.  Be sure to watch for messages from the board for details




We Love Pizza Ranch Nights! 

Players bus tables at Pizza Ranch in Indianola and earn cash tips.  A two-hour shift on average brings in $40 a player! These events are so popular we added more! 





News and EVENTS

2024 Fall Skills Evaluations and New Team Registrations are open -  REGISTER HERE


Indianola HS Summer strength & conditioning is available. WINNERS WORK HARD! - SIGN UP HERE

10th-12th Boys: 6:00 am - 7:30 am

8th-9th Boys: 6:45 am - 8:15 am

8th-12th Girls: 7:30 am - 9:00 am


Summer 2024 Simpson College Youth Skills Camp will be a 2-day camp (on turf) for 2nd - 9th graders, June 24th & 25th from 9AM to 2PM - REGISTER HERE


Strength training, agility and speed are key to every athlete's success JOES GYM and INDY TRAINING CENTER can help. Flexible M-Th, individual and small group, youth-focused options are available!


Follow us for current team updates! 

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At Delta, our mission is to foster the physical, mental, and character development of our athletes through the power of baseball and softball. We strive to provide a safe and inclusive environment where every participant can learn, grow, and excel. By promoting teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship, we aim to instill lifelong values that extend beyond the playing field. Through our unwavering commitment, we create unique opportunities for our players to challenge themselves, explore their potential, and reach new heights. Together, we inspire young minds, nurture athletic potential, and cultivate a love for baseball and softball that last a lifetime. 


The mission of Delta Baseball and Softball is to serve as the governing body for the Delta Baseball and Softball organizational entity’s strategic purpose and direction. Directors, Officers and Board Members will represent Delta and all members of the club in their best interest with fiduciary obligations. This will be done through purposeful evaluation of all concepts that carry material relevance or considerable impact to the club, it’s teams or players and with adjudication in accordance with Delta policies and founding principles.


Prioritizing the best interest of all players against this mission will be the number one focus in all decision making by the board members. Delta Baseball and Softball is dedicated to fostering a team-oriented environment, where board members work together to support and empower young athletes.



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